All values are quoted as W / m2k and are approximate based on the construction breakdown below:
Timber/Metal Frame Construction
- 2 x 12.5mm plasterboard, unfilled stud cavity. 10mm cement board
Timber/Metal Frame Cavity Construction
- 2 x 12.5mm plasterboard, unfilled stud cavity, 10mm cement board, 15mm ventilated cavity
- 215mm Lightweight Blockwork
- 12.5mm plasterboard on dabs, 215mm lightweight blockwork with a thermal conductivity of 0.22 W/m K
- 140mm Medium Dense Blockwork
- 12.5mm plasterboard on dabs, 140mm medium dense blockwork with a thermal conductivity of 0.61 W/m K
- 250mm Block/Brick Cavity Construction
- 12.5mm plasterboard on dabs, 100mm medium blockwork, unfilled cavity, 102.5mm external brickwork